Animation - Painting by Numbers by Radheya Jegatheya
Music - Music for the End of the World by Emmanuel Li
Documentary - Finn's Law by Holly McClellan
Comedy - Distinct Properties of the Indonesian Spotted Tree Frog by Brendan Lee Hickey
Horror - The String by Mathieu Monclar
Drama - Il Capolavoro by Stefano Moscone
Buntingford Award - Roadside by Zain Gibson
Music - Music for the End of the World by Emmanuel Li
Documentary - Finn's Law by Holly McClellan
Comedy - Distinct Properties of the Indonesian Spotted Tree Frog by Brendan Lee Hickey
Horror - The String by Mathieu Monclar
Drama - Il Capolavoro by Stefano Moscone
Buntingford Award - Roadside by Zain Gibson
In 2021 Buntingford Shorts took on the world! As a result of the Coronavirus pandemic, we moved our festival online and started to accept entries from FilmFreeway, the world's best submission platform for festivals worldwide.
We overwhelmingly received 130 entries from students across the globe and are incredibly grateful to those who chose to share their films with us.
Our first solely virtual event took place on Friday 26th February on the Buntingford Film Club Facebook Page and Buntingford Shorts YouTube Channel. After a few technical mishaps it was a resounding success! Submitters were thrilled to see their work on the virtual screen and audiences particularly enjoyed the diverse talent that we had to offer.
Thank you to Paul at Krowdrah for organising the technical aspects of the 2021 festival and to everyone who helps to make this event a reality.
Images from the 2021 Event can be found below along with links to view any publicly available shorts:
We overwhelmingly received 130 entries from students across the globe and are incredibly grateful to those who chose to share their films with us.
Our first solely virtual event took place on Friday 26th February on the Buntingford Film Club Facebook Page and Buntingford Shorts YouTube Channel. After a few technical mishaps it was a resounding success! Submitters were thrilled to see their work on the virtual screen and audiences particularly enjoyed the diverse talent that we had to offer.
Thank you to Paul at Krowdrah for organising the technical aspects of the 2021 festival and to everyone who helps to make this event a reality.
Images from the 2021 Event can be found below along with links to view any publicly available shorts:
Viewing Links:
The Quiet - www.youtube.com/watch?v=yNbYRHcFLhQ
Appetizer - https://vimeo.com/454782925
Painting by Numbers - Not Currently Available
Music for the end of the world - www.youtube.com/watch?v=EOzqjp4vzog
Silver Kingdom - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-yTmq1vpNzk
Concert of the Woods - Not Currently Available
Finn’s Law - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ku8nXNCgOGI
Sophie and Jacob - https://vimeo.com/429353249
The Garage Grocer - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8K1iWKawo64&t=1s
Have You Seen Buster? - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8wdEVaPPFnk
Distinct Properties of the Indonesian Spotted Tree Frog - https://vimeo.com/480617629
Bagged - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sJG_wuEEnWQ
A Conversation with E - www.youtube.com/watch?v=b7-UQPjPySs
The String - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=z4SwMWh5TRE
Taco Bell - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1a-HEooB3c8
Bring the Boy Back Home - Not Currently Available
Il Capolavoro - Not Currently Available
Sledge - https://drive.google.com/.../14hVEKqrzflhHtYRI4uW.../view...
Buntingford Award
Roadside - https://vimeo.com/466491194
The Quiet - www.youtube.com/watch?v=yNbYRHcFLhQ
Appetizer - https://vimeo.com/454782925
Painting by Numbers - Not Currently Available
Music for the end of the world - www.youtube.com/watch?v=EOzqjp4vzog
Silver Kingdom - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-yTmq1vpNzk
Concert of the Woods - Not Currently Available
Finn’s Law - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ku8nXNCgOGI
Sophie and Jacob - https://vimeo.com/429353249
The Garage Grocer - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8K1iWKawo64&t=1s
Have You Seen Buster? - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8wdEVaPPFnk
Distinct Properties of the Indonesian Spotted Tree Frog - https://vimeo.com/480617629
Bagged - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sJG_wuEEnWQ
A Conversation with E - www.youtube.com/watch?v=b7-UQPjPySs
The String - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=z4SwMWh5TRE
Taco Bell - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1a-HEooB3c8
Bring the Boy Back Home - Not Currently Available
Il Capolavoro - Not Currently Available
Sledge - https://drive.google.com/.../14hVEKqrzflhHtYRI4uW.../view...
Buntingford Award
Roadside - https://vimeo.com/466491194